

Are starting to look up. Seems that I just got a job for voice acting or sumehting like that. And I might get some acting job for sume commercial. And I won a ticket to music banks anniversary-event thingy! And tonight Imma go out and go hard! Celebration bitches!!!


홍대 홍대 홍대 홍대 홍대 Hongdae

Went to Hongdae last night, got fucked up and danced myself sweaty all night. Went back home and visited a 짐찔방, a Korea Sauna/Bath House. Niiiiiceeeeee. Just about to go out again. 

I'll leave you with essential clubsong in Seoul Itaewon Freedom. A great video as well.


Speaking of microwave- hamburgers.. These things are amazing. Sure, they taste like complete shit, but when you're tired, drunk or hungry they're like salvation in the form of food. Friggin' awesome.

Creepy poster guy

A few days ago I came home around 6:30 in the morning and went to Family Mart (a Korean convenience store) to buy some microwave- hamburgers and other wierd stuff. When i was paying I noticed this awesome IU poster on the counter, so I asked the clerk if I could buy it. He told me to come back later after his shift, so I did today and they gave it to me. Yippey!
Problem is though.. can I really hang it on my wall? What will people think when they see all this creepy posters of cute Korean girls on my walls? So for now I'll only keep the 2NE1 poster on my wall. Such a shame though, I   have a bunch of awesome posters that I can't put up, for now. :'(


Today I had a hot date, it went well. After that I met up with me brothas close to my new place. We went to a sucky bar where we talked to the bartenders, got one of their numbers, no fucking idea of how that will work out but what EVAH. Now I'm standing by the window in me new freaking awesome room, smoking and dancing like a drug-addict to Mac Miller songs. Love my life.


New Room

Moved in to my room yesterday. Today I woke up really sick. Or hungover. Probably both.
Anyways, I have been unpacking and buying all necessary equipments etc. I'm really satisfied with this place, except for one thing. The bathroom is ridiculously tiny and apparently I'm supposed to shower 5cm from the toilet. So it is no wonder why the "bathroom" and "kitchen" reeks of mold. Oh well, I'll survive.


Sorry Brothas

I suck att posting here. I really do. Why? 'Cause it's so freaking boring! Heh well I'm not doing much these days, no extravagant pictures to upload, no fucked up stories about drunken adventures.. yet. The summerbreak just started so from the next week on, when my mums going back to Sweden, I'mma GO HARD!
So, look forward to it ma brothas.


Im kinda in this emo period right now... all emotional and shit.
Mkay so I've been pretty crappy at updating this shiet recently. The reason. I'm lazy.
Anyhow I've missed school a lot recently so from now on I can't miss a single day if I wanna make this thing. A third of my bang is blonde right now, cuz I am gonna do this hairmodeling shit, so the next week they're gonna dye the same part purple in front of a live audience. Cool. I'll tell you more about it later. Ciao!


A most horrible day

Today must've been the shittiest day so far here. Gray, cold as fuck and raining. My rescue has been an after "work" beer and listening to this song, reminiscing last summer, graduation and the beautiful but anxious Swedish summers.


A dazed koreanstudent (with the biggest morning hair ever) presents the campus-style of the summer. 


Role Play

Me and me buddy Jomz putting on one helluva show for our regular role play. 


 Today I woke up at 4:45 am to meet Sam and go to Oido, to see the cherryblossom. Kinda random to go at that hour, but it seemed like a fun idea. However, when we got there it was cold as fuck and only a few trees had blossomed yet. Still it was a pretty nice place for having breakfast.


Mmkay, went through my economy and my conclusion is that I can't eat any more candy or buy 5 cups of coffee a day and that I can't smoke a pack every day and that I'll only be able to go clubbing one night a week. My life's gonna SUCK BIG TIME these 5 weeks.
I just realized that I almost have NO money left. I'll get the rest of the money in 5 or 6 weeks, so it's gonna be reaaally tough until then. FUCK

Remember This?

No doubt, the absolutely best 소녀시대 song. Gee does not count, since it's the best Korean song ever made.

I freaking love this video. And the song is not too terrible either. Since a few months back I've kinda lost the interest in both Korean music and films, think it just got too much for me for a while. But lately it's been coming back to me. Today I realized that 4minute ain't that bad and that their new album have a few really good songs. Even the new Big Bang EP had some not too shabby shit on it. I'm back baby!

I also feel I have to mention how fucking awesome Hyuna is, with her badass tattoo on her left shoulder. You don't see that too often here in Seoul, especially not with the celebrities.

Serious Sam

I have to say that there are some seriously disturbing pictures in our workbook. What is the school really trying to teach us?

And that's not everything, some students in my class look seriously fucked up.

What have I gotten myself into?

Asian Poses

After school today, me and some of my classmates started talking about asian poses and I remembered a blog that I frequently visited 2 years ago called, yeah, asianposes.com. I actually had two of my pictures published there for the posechallenges. I dug them out and here you have my adorable poses:


Best Day(s) Eva

Mkay this friday I met my Swedish friend, his girlfriend and some of their friends. We had dinner and hit the bar, drinking loads of soju and played korean drinking games. Afterwards we went to a korean sauna and slept there. It was most awesome, when we woke up the next day we cruised around in Hongdae, until we found a game room (don't know the proper title.) Anyhow, there we rented a room, had free candy and played with a chocolate fountain, playing Wii for a couple of hours.

On my way home in the afternoon I met a guy from my dorm that was gonna cook dinner with his friends and they asked me to join. It was really nice, we cooked and drank and hade a awesome time. Then I headed in to Hongdae to meet up with a classmate of mine at a bar called Zen, where I had an even more awesome time. Too tired to get into details though, maybe another time.


Just got the final results. Props to the teachers for being so extremely effective, in Sweden we had to wait for weeks, sometimes for over a month to get our test results back. Anyhow, my final result was 82.3/100.0... the passing score was 70.0 so I passed but... Still a really REALLY MOTHERFUCKING HORRIBLE SCORE! And this was just the midterm, from now on it's only gonna get harder. So I seriously gotta start studying even more from now on. This blows

Friday friday

Okay did me final midterm-exams today. Started off with a big, nice korean breakfast in the cafeteria...

The exam was okay, think I did pretty well overall, but the motherfucking listening comprehension was in my opinon extremely hard to follow and I think it went really bad. The other guys didn't seem to have a problem with it, though, guess I'm just dumb.

After that we went to celebrate/grieve with a big nice lunch and some baseball. Oh yeah then we went to this nice little video arcade and played some Tekken 6. After that we parted and I headed to Gangnam alone, to look for some K-pop posters. And I found some, a nice IU poster and a 4Minute poser as well, which I got for free! Bought some records too.
Korean recordcovers are awesome. Just like the Japanese recordcovers, the korean ones are all uniqe and designed individually for each album release and they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. So I just couldn't help buying the 'Real' Ep and the 'Gee' Ep.
I also managed to find a deodorant today, after having looked for one since I came here. YES!



The results of todays exam just came up. I got 25.8 of 30 which really SUCKS since everyone else seems to have gotten an almost perfect score. I'm just so afraid that I'm going to fuck up on tomorrows' exams and get failed. God, I just want to get this shit over with so that I can go out and drink att fuck up.

First day of Mid Term Exams...

...was okay. It was so nervous and I have no idea of how it went. Tomorrow is the second part and failure is not an option. Fighting! Afterwards I dragged Jomz to a bar to celebrate/grieve that we're halfway through this torture. It rained today, so I brought an umbrella, scared that my hair would turn green and my skin would melt of, because of all the radioactivity from Japan.


Yesterday I went to Ewha to meet my friend Markus, his girlfriend and his other friend Oskar. While we were there I browsed around in the market and found some nice bootlegs. Like this awesome "G-Shors" watch. As usual I took no pictures while there, but some girls wanted to take pictures of us Exotic arians, for a schoolproject I think, kinda funny.
I really should start taking more pictures, but on the other hand I don't wanna be that white retard with a camera glued to my hand.
Nothing to tell right now, my mid term exam starts tomorrow, so I've been studying more than usual these days (usually I don't study at all, of course.) This weekend I'm gonna go extra hard to celebrate a succesfull exam or grieve the end of my life, no matter what my roommate has to say about it. I forgot the charger for my shaver, and I'm to cheap to buy a new razor, so right now I am wating for my friend to send it by mail. Meanwhile I'm seeing exactly how bad my hairgrowth really is. And it's like a little boys'. :((( I look like shit... And like a motherfucking douchebag...


I love how poetic everything is here in Korea.
Wether a cup of coffee, beer or cigarettes, you can always find some beautiful slogan on the packages. My favourite cigarettes in this case.