
Speaking of microwave- hamburgers.. These things are amazing. Sure, they taste like complete shit, but when you're tired, drunk or hungry they're like salvation in the form of food. Friggin' awesome.

Creepy poster guy

A few days ago I came home around 6:30 in the morning and went to Family Mart (a Korean convenience store) to buy some microwave- hamburgers and other wierd stuff. When i was paying I noticed this awesome IU poster on the counter, so I asked the clerk if I could buy it. He told me to come back later after his shift, so I did today and they gave it to me. Yippey!
Problem is though.. can I really hang it on my wall? What will people think when they see all this creepy posters of cute Korean girls on my walls? So for now I'll only keep the 2NE1 poster on my wall. Such a shame though, I   have a bunch of awesome posters that I can't put up, for now. :'(


Today I had a hot date, it went well. After that I met up with me brothas close to my new place. We went to a sucky bar where we talked to the bartenders, got one of their numbers, no fucking idea of how that will work out but what EVAH. Now I'm standing by the window in me new freaking awesome room, smoking and dancing like a drug-addict to Mac Miller songs. Love my life.


New Room

Moved in to my room yesterday. Today I woke up really sick. Or hungover. Probably both.
Anyways, I have been unpacking and buying all necessary equipments etc. I'm really satisfied with this place, except for one thing. The bathroom is ridiculously tiny and apparently I'm supposed to shower 5cm from the toilet. So it is no wonder why the "bathroom" and "kitchen" reeks of mold. Oh well, I'll survive.


Sorry Brothas

I suck att posting here. I really do. Why? 'Cause it's so freaking boring! Heh well I'm not doing much these days, no extravagant pictures to upload, no fucked up stories about drunken adventures.. yet. The summerbreak just started so from the next week on, when my mums going back to Sweden, I'mma GO HARD!
So, look forward to it ma brothas.